"Everything is okay in the end, if it's not ok, then it's not the end."

Sunday, 16 October 2011

miss Sunday

happy Sunday guys !
it's a very tiring day coz i just returned from Kajang.
i drove alone from Tg.Malim ==> Kajang last nite and it is so boring =( [wanna cry, tiada teman]
i went to my friend's house to help her organized some stuff.
and its so exciting to get to know her family well, especially the babies.
they're sooo00 cute, comey,comey. grr =)
it was a happy day to be able to spent time with them =)
miss them already ;-(


  1. is that really your friend's house there in kajang? haha.

  2. hahaha.. you better shut your mouth! grr. =)

  3. no need to shadaaap neyna... Ili shy lah 2... hahahaha

  4. i'll kill you shukriah hassan. hoh0hoho !

  5. haha, i dont want to shadapp.i want to tell the whole world abt it. haha.
